IMAGINEif: we all turned belief into action

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IMAGINEif we all turned belief into action:

Friends, belief is powerful. From the very beginning, everything Facing Homelessness does has been driven by our belief that we all have a part to play in ending the homeless crisis.

Our beliefs drive us to welcome people who’ve been isolated. Our beliefs guide us to look people in the eyes, listen to their stories, treat them with compassion, and provide the immediate resources of food, clothing, and kindness that they need. Our beliefs turn extra space in people's backyards into safe, warm homes for the unsheltered community members who surround our neighborhoods.

Belief can only take us so far. It has to be fueled by shared efforts and commitments that lie within each of us. Ultimately, it takes shared resources. This community and donors like you are the reason this work is possible - and the reason we’ve raised $129,000+ towards our $200,000 year-end fundraising goal.

We need to hit that goal! If you haven’t donated yet to IMAGINEif, our 2020 Year-End Campaign, please donate today. Share the campaign with those who trust and support you. We need you to believe in Facing Homelessness, and to turn that belief into action.

If you believe that where you live does not define who you are - donate now. If you believe we all live better when we feel loved - donate now. If you believe in second chances - donate now.

Together, we can end homelessness.

What you give now will be doubled by a generous matching donor. You will help shape the future of someone living outside, the future of our city, and the future of Facing Homelessness. Please, give what you can today.

With gratitude,
The Facing Homelessness staff, board and volunteers