IMAGINEif: every one did what they could

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IMAGINEif Everyone did what they could:

We want to live in a world where each of us can make a BIG impact on the injustices that surround us. This dream began with Just Say Hello and is now actualized for those who say "YES, in my backyard." Our wonderful host, Doh, recounts, “I have realized through hosting that it does not take anything from me to give more, and to expand my area of impact.” Like many others, Doh has stepped up in the simple yet profound act of sharing her underutilized backyard to host a BLOCK Home, built by volunteers and funded by community, where Abdul now lives as a neighbor and friend.

Right now, our neighbors like Abdul needs you. Our hosts like Doh need you. You’ve joined this community to come closer, to feel more, and to do more. When it comes to homelessness, it’s time to act. Your donation funds relationships, direct services, and a healthy HOME for someone in need. Where is your “YES” today?

Yesterday we launched a campaign to raise $200,000 by December 8th. We’re a quarter of the way there. Will you help us reach $65,000 today? Every single donation matters, whether it’s $5 or $5000. Doh inspires us by showing up as part of the solution. She told us part of her motivation was seated in the integrity of knowing deep down she could do more. “I wanted to be able to say I did what I could,” she told us, peering through her glasses with intent eyes as we sat in her backyard. Can you do just a little more today?

We know that each of you have chosen to be part of the solution. Join our hosts in saying “YES,” and support our IMAGINEif campaign right now.

Facing Homelessness Board, Staff, and Volunteers